Skipweasel's Comments

That's a bit harsh. Poverty Point predates the bath by a long way. There are plenty of others. I'm a non-archaeologist from the right side of the Atlantic, and I know about them!
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Yeah, that's OK on a hand-basin, but a damned nuisance on a kitchen sink. I know all about overfilling the kettle, but there are times when you want to fill it up - and it takes ages with a low-flow aerator.
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Fascinating. Is it just me, or has that site got the most irritating interface? I'm used to middle-clicking on a picture to open it in a new tab to read more about it. Clicking on the pic doesn't do anything, but there's a think like an infinity sign or perhaps a pair of handcuffs that lurks in pale over the text which you have to find and click on. But if you get the one that looks like refresh next to it, you get taken to a tumblr sign-up page.
Most odd, and limited me to a few goes before I left in frustration.
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I fitted a toilet/sink combo for a customer a while ago. He loved it, though it was five times the price of a cheap toilet and only had a cold tap. It seemed to have been made out of standard plumbing parts, which was sort of OK except the result was (internally) rather inelegant. The tiny space we crammed it into wouldn't have been big enough for a sink as well, no matter how small. Anyway, I suspect few people wait for the water to run hot before washing their hands.
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There used to be in in Hayes, to the west of London called Mr Stiffy.
The girl I was teaching to drive when I first spotted it also saw it and to pull over to giggle safely.
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That Kill Binks shirt - I'd love one if it didn't have KILL under it. Lots of good shirts are spoiled by restating the obvious for the hard of thinking. I was looking at a really good Darth Vader shirt the other day in Asda (UK Walmart subsiduary) which really didn't need STAR WARS written under in big letters.
To be fair, Neatorama's shirts rarely have excess print, but that one's a glaring example. Unless it's a pastiche one something I don't recognise, of course.
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"No risk of pests or disease"? I should think there's considerable risk, and they probably have biosecurity measures in place. It'd not be hard for a greenfly to find its way in in your hair, for example.
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Last winter I nearly hit a motorcyclist in Birmingham (the real one, not the one in the US) who was riding a matt black bike with no lights (not just off, not present), no licence plate and no regard for red traffic lights.
The only reason I missed him was he also had no exhaust. If he'd been on one of these his suicide bid might have been successful.
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