hogwash. I don't buy it as it doesn't very well jive with the way cellphone operate. Only way is to remove the battery? What about turning it off? These are the same people who believe your computer can be hacked into over the power lines even when it is off - so long as it is plugged in. Remember THAT scare? Give me a break.
The technology involved is nothing new - and neither is targeting the young market. I think it was hasbro who released this sime idea in the form of a lollipop holder about 10 years ago. I still have one, although I modified it so that it would accept the output from my cd player and I could listen to music in high school during class simply by keeping a sucker in my mouth.
It's interesting that someone this smart could be so dumb. He's still got his eye on the small potatos like the gold rush. Real intelligence doesn't lead you to play games - it leads you to starting a business or creating some new chemical that changes the world. I don't know how much money was involved in the gold rush thing, but I'm sure it doesn't compare to the real money he could be earning.
I'm really surprised he's even allowed to sell this and display it online, what with Lego's over-reaching lawyers. http://gthing.net/my-first-potential-lawsuit/
I guess that wikipedia page needs updating.
Not a bad idea, but it won't go anywhere unless some major manufacturers build in the module or copy the idea.