Leah Hokmah's Comments

One reason why prices go up is because of "perceived value." The private college with the highest price is obviously the most prestigious. Bargain-basement pricing doesn't entice students to go to a college at all.
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I completely empathize with feeling annoyed by the pressure to make yourself happy by doing pleasurable things.

It actually does not work. You can't make laugh by willing yourself to laugh, and you can't make yourself happy by trying to wedge fun activities into every spare moment of life.

The day I quit nagging myself about doing "fun" things was actually the day I finally started feeling truly satisfied with life.
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That lady has found a great way to get a parasitic infection by eating dirt. Tapeworms, roundworms, whatever eggs are in the feces of the animals who have contributed to the soil are now finding their way to her intestinal tract.

There's a reason parents teach their children not to eat dirt.
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My cat used to do this with totally non-moving things like hairbrush handles. He'd whap at them with his paw to kill them. I think they looked liked lethargic snakes to him. He was terrified of my keyboard wrist rest - it was a huuuge snake to him.
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Alton Brown's "Food Lab" page on the Serious Eats website has an extensive write-up on carmelizing onions.


He goes into great detail about the chemistry involved, including the Malliard reaction, which occurs more quickly in alkaline conditions. By adding a little baking soda, a person can shorten the time from 45 minutes to 15-20 minutes, according to him.
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Shaking your hands first is the trick with air dryers too, so that you don't have wet hands when it quits or need to press the button again and stand there forever.
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