I used to go to Aquatarium as a kid. The thing I remember most was the hot wax-pressed sculptures you could buy with a few coins. I can still smell the freshly made blue wax dolphin I got one time.
Actually, Fur Rendezvous is the winter carnival held each year in Anchorage right around the time of the start of the Iditarod. I wasn't there, but I'm guessing the running of the reindeer happened during the two weeks or so of Rondy.
And to think I shot the photos because I thought it was cool to see something other than the bland shit in my grocery store. Apparently, I was being culturally superior.
This is a country that rolled over its citizens in tanks as the world watched on CNN. You think they give two hoots and a happy damn what they put in the air?
Silly me.
Thanks for the linkage, Alex.
This is a country that rolled over its citizens in tanks as the world watched on CNN. You think they give two hoots and a happy damn what they put in the air?
Thanks for sharing this clip.