I get paid per ad loaded, not per click. If you're not loading ads, you're not registering in the statistics my advertisers consider when placing ads on my website.
As such, I have no problem blocking people who use popular ad-blocking software. If you want to view my content, either be increasingly devious to bypass my detection, or, golly, give something back to the people who produce original content. We're not asking you to click, only to have the graphic load on the page. If you're too cheap to do that, the less I see of you the better. You're leeching my bandwidth to load my content.
As such, I have no problem blocking people who use popular ad-blocking software. If you want to view my content, either be increasingly devious to bypass my detection, or, golly, give something back to the people who produce original content. We're not asking you to click, only to have the graphic load on the page. If you're too cheap to do that, the less I see of you the better. You're leeching my bandwidth to load my content.