Personally this just reminded me of and it makes me mad that while the media would have called him out if he had said "it was all these black lads" they won't even though he basically accused all young people of being thieves.
My problem with the entire series is 2 things. 1) Stalking and emotional abuse should not be shown to be a good thing. Especially since these are supposed to be written for the young adult crowd. 2) She has no purpose. Her goal in life is to be a boys shadow.
You also need to not be gay or an atheist. I'm still trying to figure out how they still get government money, are a non-profit, and Eagle Scouts can receive an advanced rank in the Army when they don't allow the same for the KKK or any other discriminatory group.
It's about time the cops had to live by the same rules they try and get everyone else to follow. "If you don't have anything to hide then whats the problem?" has long been the answer to questions about privacy and cameras from cops. Well, right back at you.
And this is why all legal judgements other than the jury should remove the human element. Judges, by rights, should just be computers that take in the exact same facts and output the exact same response. No feelings should ever come into it.
1) Stalking and emotional abuse should not be shown to be a good thing. Especially since these are supposed to be written for the young adult crowd.
2) She has no purpose. Her goal in life is to be a boys shadow.
Looks like may be what you are looking for. Looks like it was started by an ex-scout leader.
Unfortunately I do not. I will look around and if I find one will post it here.