Everyone has different connections of different strenghts in their brains that are mostly developed in early childhood. Even brain structures are not in the same place for everyone. The best this research could produce is a vague blueprint that doesn't by any means apply to everyone.
Thebes, Clearly you don't fully understand what eugenics is. Population control is not eugenics. Secective breeding for certain traits is in humans is.
Also, Neatorama is not suppporting this particular argument, it is merely presenting it.
You may also be interested to know that eugenics is not spelled in all capitals.
Bahaha! I remember when my dad used to make me go to church and we had to sing all these hymns. The old ladies would always get right into it and whip out their operatic voices. It was like they considered it some sort of competition to drown out the person next to her. They also seemed to think the warblier their voice was - the BETTER! *shudder*
The dots that spell the wording are slightly smaller than the ones that make up the background. So when you look from further away or take up your glasses or squint so your vision is blurred, you can see the areas that make up the lettering are denser in black than the surround.
I imagine that while the cow/bull/whatever is massive, the lady next to it is short and standing further back than it looks, so the animal looks even bigger - like what they did in Lord of the Rings to make the hobbits look smaller. It makes it look about 8ft tall!
Very interesting. In visual perception research, when measuring visual acuity (the cut-off point or threshold where we are no longer sensitive to a visual stimulus), we can usually percieve stimuli up close, but the further away we move, the less sensitive we are to it until we are far enough away that we can't see it any more. This illusion works the opposite way - the closer you are, the harder it is to see.
"...proudly displaying her offspring." Probably more like "snatching up her offspring in a protective embrace and backing slowly away from the threatening photographer."
In 12th grade, I accidentally called my male biology teacher "mum" in front of the entire class. It took me some time to live that one down.
Also, last year I took a course at uni on biopsychology. Our lecturer used to write poems and songs about neurotransmitters and such. He would sporadically whip out his guitar and sing to the 300 or so students in the hall to illustrate his points. He was also a terrible singer. What a legend!
I like the cut of your jib.
Clearly you don't fully understand what eugenics is. Population control is not eugenics. Secective breeding for certain traits is in humans is.
Also, Neatorama is not suppporting this particular argument, it is merely presenting it.
You may also be interested to know that eugenics is not spelled in all capitals.
This illusion works the opposite way - the closer you are, the harder it is to see.
Probably more like "snatching up her offspring in a protective embrace and backing slowly away from the threatening photographer."
Old guy doesn't know what a high five is.
Also, last year I took a course at uni on biopsychology. Our lecturer used to write poems and songs about neurotransmitters and such. He would sporadically whip out his guitar and sing to the 300 or so students in the hall to illustrate his points. He was also a terrible singer. What a legend!