Why do people keep saying Ellen is "abusing her celebrity?" I think any decent person who tried to do the right thing by giving the dog a good home -- which is all anyone's trying to do -- has the right to be upset. Just because she's famous doesn't mean she should be cold or heartless. I don't get the impression that she felt she was above the rules at all, rather that she just didn't read or remember that clause. I don't see how taking the dog away from a loving family does any good, simply because the girls don't meet the age criteria. I at 12 was VERY different than most other 12 year olds. I get that the agency doesn't want to have to make individualized exceptions, but I also don't think anyone was out of line in simply ASKING for them to make an exception. They exercised their right to say no, for whatever reason. It's upsetting, but honestly... the dog AND the kids will get over it, if people could stop being so harsh and judgmental...