The Studio Ghibli Feature length cartoon "Pom Poko" was a about Tanuki's. Aside from the scrotal battle there realy are quite a few gorgeous scenes and the english dub is acted pretty well.
"Why do you need dog adoption agencies? Go to the pound, find a nice stray, take it home. If it doesn’t work out, bring it back."
Pet adoption agencies usually work with the local pound. It gives the pet a more stable environment and, where I am at least, costs little more than the pound does (about 20 dollars difference). Volunteers typically take the pet into their home as a foster family.
They all make you sign a contract and one of the stipulations is that instead of giving the dog to another home they must be returned to the agency to find a new home. Everyone who adopts through an agency signs this. I got my first dog through an organization like this and I couldn't be happier with him.
Oh nice. Lincoln Park in the north west end of san francisco (where the palace of honour is located) used to be a graveyard. They like the grave here took out all the tombstones but left some of the caskets and turned it into a public golf course. Apparently they've found corpses left behind there as well.
Whenever I visited there I had an image of a zombie hand reaching up through the hole and handing me my ball.
I wonder if human corpses make good bloom fertilizer.
Yeah . . Thats the thing to be concerned about . .
Pet adoption agencies usually work with the local pound. It gives the pet a more stable environment and, where I am at least, costs little more than the pound does (about 20 dollars difference). Volunteers typically take the pet into their home as a foster family.
They all make you sign a contract and one of the stipulations is that instead of giving the dog to another home they must be returned to the agency to find a new home. Everyone who adopts through an agency signs this. I got my first dog through an organization like this and I couldn't be happier with him.
It's unfortunate, but she signed into it.
The responses here, and to his prank site are more interesting than the point he was trying to make.
Reactionary people are amusing.
Whenever I visited there I had an image of a zombie hand reaching up through the hole and handing me my ball.
I wonder if human corpses make good bloom fertilizer.
I smell a producer heavy segment.
Little bit of a spaz. /shrug