I think it's a brilliant approach. My porn name would be "Bum Ho Frankel". Or, if I pilfered my name from the honest-to-god name of someone I went to college with: "Lovejoy Seiman".
I haven't read the list, yet, but is "be hot and put out" on there? Because, so far, that approach is really working out for me. I'll be worth billions any day now.
That's a good point, NeonCat. In that same vein of thinking... after my Mom made the Max Rebo cake, my roommate suggested the cake should have been red velvet, to increase the drama of his inevitable dismemberment (and consumption).
Wow, hpavc. By "pretty cool" do you mean, "embarrassing" and "awkward"? These backpacks should exist solely for the enjoyment of pre-teen schoolgirls. But I do not judge. Much. I mean, who am I to talk? I've got a tattoo of a comic book character's emblem on my hip.