How the what?@! First off, if being attacked by a wheelchair bound person, leg stabbing may not be the best choice of defense. Second, how was the clerk unable to overpower or in some way defeat a person confined to a wheelchair? And third, why would a cashier STAB in defense, and what did she use? Ridiculous all around, and the mugshot didn't make things any better.
Sounds like some of you guys are just spur-of-the-moment packing! No tangible items are worth any risk. My main concern are my pets-especially the caged ones. I'll be breaking windows and tossing guinea pigs like grenades. And I'd take my hubby of course :)
Unique & funny but not a good idea. What with Palin's crosshairs or the Columbine shooters-normal folks just can't keep a $hit list anymore. I do like the title, sounds Ron Swanson-y.
My main concern are my pets-especially the caged ones. I'll be breaking windows and tossing guinea pigs like grenades. And I'd take my hubby of course :)
"That's How I Roll" t-shirt in chocolate XL