worst directions evar? that reminds me... how do superheroes always know where they are heading? i wanna see superman with a navi or at least gsm in his hand!!
odd as it seems but i must admit that ever since i am running windows on my imac (yes, i tried, but osx just didn`t cut it for me) and i am being exposed to both logos on a daily basis, i feel strangely mellow, balanced out and only JUST the right amount creative!
that elephant draws a better elephant than i could, and i do that for a living! i am seriously amazed about the acuracy of the trace - anybody know how they train them?
i totally agree with chris, the way it moves points quite clearly to a silverfish. given the resolution of the camera it most likely has a considerable small lense, therefor the size of the silverfish on the glass would fit as well. and great observation on the colorshift, gabi. but maybe, just maybe, it was an extraterrestrial silverfish, or even the ghost of one. we will never know...
lets all repeat: i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite. i got a bad bite.
anything else would make no sense at all... ;)
but maybe, just maybe, it was an extraterrestrial silverfish, or even the ghost of one. we will never know...
thank you.