being german, i can tell that we do NOT stand in nice rows like that (well, depends... postoffice: yes, busstop: no), our punctuality-window is open 5 minutes to the right, and capture memories: cellphone-cam. maybe the last one is just a bit outdated on both sides. the rest seems pretty darn acurate.
how about taking better care of all our indigenous people who are struggling for survival and against the influence of the "modern" world first, before we bring back the neanderthal? just like we should first make sure that NO animal living today is in danger of extinction any more before we bring back mammoths, sabre tooth tigers and dinosaurs.
"keep driving - i want it to fall off - it just fell - good, get it - kill it!!" what an idiot. it would have been so much safer for everybody involved to stop the car, let the snake go, and keep driving.
2. Science Ruined Dinosaurs, L, black
3. Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder
2. When Worlds Collide (male, black L)
3. wonder woman pet costume S
2. Backwards Watch (i'll paypal the extra $ 5,-!)
what an idiot. it would have been so much safer for everybody involved to stop the car, let the snake go, and keep driving.