Back in the day, when glutamine came out as the latest sweetener, think it was right after saccharin was the hot deal, food manufacturers converted an entire year's food supply to glutamine, until some FDA got a hair up their keister that glutamines were cancer causing, then we had to help our grandfather to empty out his entire food warehouse and bury it in the nearby landfill, back before there was inventory loss for FDA declaration, and ours was 1 of 100,000s similar food product destructions which continue today with 1000s TONS of food destroyed. All the shrimp fed on Chinese melamine for example, but now FDA says well, a "little bit" is OK for humans, like a little bit of mercury, or dioxins, or perchlorates. The really sad part is that now codes are requiring storm water remediation at the cost of billions because it contains pet poop bacteria, but those same billions aren't being spent to keep the poop out of our food!
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