fsmarch's Comments

In NYC, across the street from the Plaza Hotel, there is an ornate statue of some war hero, riding his trusty stallion into history.

The problem, however, was that some horse's *sses (no pun intended), staying at the Plaza, objected to the fact that the horse's butt faced them.

The statue was reversed, at great expense, about 30 years ago.
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The bottom line, though, is that this alien species was introduced by man into a biosphere that did not have natural defenses against it.

History DOES repeat itself. Look at how many native species that have been driven to extinction by man's intervention.

We never learn, do we?
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I have always loved slow motion photography.

The first one was interesting, but I did prefer the second one, even if it is considered 'artsy'. Great interface between music/video.
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Leave it to Mother Nature...

Did you know that the monarch butterfly actually flies from New York to South America to breed? Picture something as fragile as a butterfly travelling thousands of miles!
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