The only benefit facial or physical symmetry could get you into is nice spot on prime time in media and advertisement. Or perhaps cover of a fashion magazine Beauty and good genes don't seem to have any co relation if you look at it in real life. I don't consider the top billionaire men, or for that matter successful women to be pretty by any standards.Are all sports men beautiful? What about people with good IQs? Nor is physical beauty a guarantee of fertile and prosperous life. Infact, most of the pretty beauties out there suffer from genetic disorders leading from cancers to rare disorders. The longest living people on the planet come from a population group that might not be your typical eye candy as a whole. The only thing which beauty could be attributed to is randomness. Some features coming together in a good enough symmetry that is pleasing to the eye, and hence beauty. Our brain is just wired to process symmetry as beauty. We see faces in clouds. It responds to a pretty face , and an artistic painting, or scenery in the same way. Even that depends on whose brain you are talking about. Some brain might find attractiveness and affinity in something that is totally un-acceptable to another brain. As the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover
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