Tiff 4's Comments

Looking at all of these coments i am in shock. These people are teaching their kids to not do drugs, not to get pregnant at 14, or 15 etc, to work hard and to love one another. I am disgusted by the parents who put their teenage daughter on birth control so they don't get pregnant, believe it or not this is just a free pass saying its ok to have sex as long as you are on birth control. I don't see any of these kids pregnanat do you? They are teaching their kids moral values. I am so sick of seeing spoiled kids, back talking, cussing their parents and taking everything for granted. Those kids just grow up never being satisfied because they are always going to want more. I am so sick of not seeing kids working for what they want. I remember having to do chores, my brothers did the yard work and me and my sisters did the house work. Whats wrong with that? You people are so quick to judge someone but what you need to do is look at your own lives and your own children and start practicing what you preach.

What we need to do is to teach our own kids morals and abstinence because its the teen age girls who can't get a job but can have a child that are using our tax dollars not this family. That is why there are so many babies up for adoption is because there are babies making babies.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/13



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