china doll's Comments

Translation -
Human - "koochy koochy koo"
Human - "koochy koochy koo"
Human - "koochy koochy koo"
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So let me get this straight. No one in the store did anything. No one driving by did anything. Even the person FILMING didn't do anything [maybe at least zoom in on the getaway bike license plates]. It took an old lady running up - OUT OF HER WAY - to get people involved. Unbelievable.
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Kodachrome is a brand name for colour reversal film. Which is still being made. Just not by Kodak.
Rabbit-ear TV's. I live in the Philippines and I just bought one. Betamax is Sony's version of the VHS tape. Also Betacam and Digibeta, the industrial version of the Betamax, is still being made. Remote controls are still being made. As are 8 tracks and floppy discs. The latter two can be easily found in Shenzhen. And Hong Kong. I think a lot of you are confused by the statement. He is not saying all things ever made are still being made. He is saying that the TECHNOLOGY is still being made.
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When I was training to be an EMT I once stopped to help a car that was trapped in a marsh. Slowly sinking with four passengers on board. On-lookers just stood there watching. I told one gawker to call the cops and ambulance. I then went into the water, got everyone out, used my sweater to make a brace for one passenger who had broken their arm, and then took their stats. When the State Trooper arrived he noticed an empty beer can on the backseat floor of my car and wanted to arrest me for driving with an open container of alcohol.
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Actually, I love books.
I am sorry if it seemed like I was attacking you. I wasn't. I only had hoped to illuminate to all philomaths that even a modest space in a tiny home could be called a library.
It is the intent not the number of shelves that makes a room a library.
Thank you, @c0ldfish.
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Actually, vonskippy, the dictionary defines a "library" as - A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
This does not mean -
A place in which ONLY literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
So, by definition, any room where you keep reading / reference material - even the smallest amount of reading / reference material - can be called a library. Even a room with NO bookshelves. Just as long as the PURPOSE of that room [or one of its primary purposes] is to house these reference materials.
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When a person asks your name you can answer "My name is..." or just say your name. Braille is similar in that it has ways to write a lot of words as well as parts of words in short-hand. So "the" is one character not t-h-e. This tattoo could be easily 40% shorter if someone who knows Braille had helped write the song out. Alas... all the needle pricks she could have avoided.
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AMAZING. AMAZING. AMAZING. I thought I was alone in all this.
Fantastic comments. ArmouredGRIFFON and JP, you guys should yell your thoughts from mountain-tops.
Thanks for this.
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