That's true. We use chlorine to prevent biological growths out of the well water we use. We have a special metering pump that puts out a set amount and we monitor the concentration going in and out. But we use a relatively *tiny* amount. They reference 8 drops of chlorine per gallon of water. It takes roughly 80,000 drops of liquid to make 1 gallon, so this literally a 1:10,000 ratio for dilution.
It's a Victorian-era hexagon detector. One puts it in a (suspected) hexagon, and if there is a 1:1 ratio for the number of sides then one has a genuine six-sided figure in your hands.
This one is rather simple but there were more ornate designs available to the English upper class at the time, gilded and inset with ivory. There are also heptagon detectors from the era, but they are considerably rarer and thus much more valuable.
I'm a shaark!!!
Have a driiiiiiink!!!!
I'm a shaaaaaaaaark!!!!!!
Mobius Comic Strip, Ash Grey, 2xl
I Reverse Polish Notation Heart, 2x, crimson red
"pillage then burn", military green xl (if this one is fortunate enough to win)
This one is rather simple but there were more ornate designs available to the English upper class at the time, gilded and inset with ivory. There are also heptagon detectors from the era, but they are considerably rarer and thus much more valuable.
"suppoort cloning", chocolate and XL please