Morris's Comments

I would imagine the reason that Starbucks uses Tall, Grande and Venti is because their coffee is very epensive. They probably don't want people saying "I just paid several dollars for a small cup of coffee".
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If a clerk asks you for something you don't want, why not simply say "No thank you."?

The clerks don't want to have to ask you this stuff, but they are required to do it, so why unload on them? Just say "No thank you." in a pleasant voice and move on with your life.
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Okay so he didn't score any points for his valor. However, THAT'S HER BALL!!! She earned it.

What are you going to tell people anyway: "I got this ball after it HIT my girlfriend"?
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How would the bus turn, if cars are under it?

The only way I could see this would work is if the bus is meant to move large numbers of people with very few stops. The idea would be that the bus takes a long time to load, so it could let traffic continue to flow while it takes its time loading passengers. While it is stopped it would be not different then an over pass or tunnel to the cars.

Then when it is ready to move it would have to prevent cars from traveling under it. If they plan on moving the bus while cars are still under it, then they obvioulsy have some kind of magic the rest of the world is not aware of.
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If this guy is going actually get off on being married because their wedding was not legal, then how can he get the kids?

How can a guy get a woman pregnant and then take her kids away from her? I am trying to picture a guy telling a woman "Yea, I knocked you up, and I am taking the kid too. Infact you pay ME child support, sucker!".

If I was the judge I would have to ask:
"So, you knew you were not legally married?..."

1. But you filed your tax return as married to this woman. Isn't that tax fraud?

2. You had not one but two children with her, living in the same residence.

3. You went through a ceremony in which you made vowes in a country the US recognizes marraiges from.
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I agree with the others. This does no good. It will just make kids associsiate the characters with th shot.

When I was a child, the doctor used a syringe that hid the needle inside a plastic tube. I couldn't see the needle, but I sure new what was coming. It made no difference to me at all. Infact I felt non-existant pain the instant the tube touched me.

I am not sure what to do in this matter, but it seems the secret is in making the child understand why getting shots is a part of life.
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This article has a hidden message. It really isn't about calling out elitism in going green. They are saying you aren't really green until you sacrifice for the cause.

It is sort of ironic. They imply they are shunning extremism, yet they want us to be more extreme. It isn't enough to buy green products, we must conserve the absolute amount we can.
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You said: "You don't think it's all kind of romantic? This is a once, maybe twice in a century crime story."

Maybe we are not impressed becaues his story isn't anywhere near as impressive as Frank Abagnale.

He actually posed as an airline pilot, and flew over 1,000,000 miles during 250 flights between 26 countries. He pulled off posing as a docotr and a lawyer too.

His story is well known because it was made into a movie called "Catch Me if You Can", which was directed by Steven Spielberg and Frank was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Tom Hanks plays an FBI agent trying to of course catch him.

MASH even did an episode of this guy. Of course he posed as a doctor in this one.

So, I do understand how stuff liie this might be kind of romantic, but this kid has a long ways to go to catch up to what has already been done.
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Come on. The active/passive issue is nonsense. You sound like the StarTrek episode where the two aliens are fighting because one is black and white and the other is reverse white and black.

Do you honestly think Jesus was trying to say give people a cookie if you want a cookie, but if you don't like poison cookies it is okay to give someone else one?
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I must be a jerk because I am not impressed. He is basically a professional burgler and does a little joy riding on the side.

As for his aircraft antics. Big deal. He crashed all the planes. What makes him brilliant? It is not that hard to get a small plane off the ground. It does take some basic knowledge, but the real skill is in landing and navigating.

I don't get it. He is basically your average run of the mill stupid kid. He is just a little luckier than most.
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I think the metric system failed because they tried to do too much too fast. They should have focuesed on pushed for school kids to learning metric with the english system.

In time you will have a generation that will understand the differences and the advantages of the metric system. When these kids become adults they will be more able to accept implementing the metric system into their lives and work, because they feel comfortable with it.

Trying to force the metric system all at once on everyone was no more possible than trying to get everyone to speak a different language.
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I think you mean "Betacam", which is still in use today.

Although I totally agree, that Betamax was a good invention. It was superior to VHS in everyway- except popularity. That doesn't make it a bad invention, it just lost the battle with another format.

If someone wants to rag a bad format, I for one think 8-tracks should be on the worst invention list. No rewind and you had to listen to songs you didn't like just to get back around to the ones you did.
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I like Crocks for their functionality. I live near a creek. I can slip them on and go. I have some sandals that work okay, but then they mildew and rot after one season- and who wants to put on wet sandals? Yuck!

As for style, I might point out that fashions come and go all the time. What is in style today will have someone saying "What was I thinking?" tomorrow.
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