Morris's Comments

Come one poeple. If you didn't know this was a joke, then I invite you to help me hunt some snipes, hoop snakes and some jack-o-lopes. Also, did you know that cows that graze on the side of a hill have shorter legs on one side?
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The first remote I ever saw in person had a wire connecting it to the tv. Yes, they already had wireless remotes, but they were to expensive for the average family.

I was still impressed with the wired remote, since it did let you stay in your seat.
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Why pick on Barbie? I should think fashion models and celebrities with silicone implants are much more influencial on impressionable children.

If you think about it. If Barbie was an exact copy of a real woman, would you not be giving a nude figure to a child? That would have parents freaking out in the 50's when the doll was released. Barbies is more of a symbolic figure rather than an ideal figure.
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You can't have it both ways. I agree that there is no reason to reward students who did what is expected of them, but to cancel class is rewarding the ones that skipped...and actually punishes the ones that took the time to show up.

It seems most reasonable to have class as usual. The people that skipped can make up the work like they would have any other time.
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I see no reason why everyone has to have children. However, it seems a little narcissistic to act like being a parent is for suckers. I should remind some of you, that you wouldn’t be here if your parents had the same attitude.

So, why not call your Mom and Dad tonight and thank them for not taking the money.
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I read about sugar in your gas tank not being so serious on Snopes a while back. I figured someone might point that out, and mess up my funny story. So, Thanks. :o)

Anyway, to to keep my post short I didn't mention he knew who was taking his gas. It was some local teens, who were stealing it for their ATV's. Given the small tank size of their bikes it seemed reasonable to assume their could have been some damage. Especially, since the gas did stop disappearing.

Sure it could have been a coincident, but then that wouldn't have been funny- would it?
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My neighbor bought some land that he enjoyed clearing small trees with a chainsaw. He kept a large tank of gas in a little shed he built, so he wouldn't have to walk back to his pickup constantly for fuel.

We'll the gas of course would mysteriously disappear when he was away. He tried posting messages to stop stealing his gas, but the gas still disappeared.

So, he decided to put sugar in the gas tank...The gas stopped disappearing.
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I posted a passive aggressive sign once. The place I was working had a large Fridge, with ice trays, that many of us used for soft drinks etc. Ground Coffee was also kept in the Freezer, and every morning some slob would spill coffee grounds all over everything in the freezer. One day I was drinking a Pepsi (with ice) and noticed coffee grounds frozen in my ice cubes.

In a fit of rage, I posted a mean sign on the Fridge to stop being such a slob. The sign was gone the next morning and the offender seemed to figure out how to make their coffee without throwing it all over the place.

I regret posting the angry message though. Even though they deserved it, I have found that it never pays to get angry at work.
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I remmeber the McLobster. I was visiting the beautiful state of Maine and saw McLobster sandwhiches on the menu at a McDonalds.

I thought it was such a waste of good lobster tails. Especially considering how easy it would be to have lobster that was prepared fresh in local resturants.

I remember the green ketchup too. I can understand marketing people might think changing colors would appeal to kids. However, they might have chosen a color that doesn't make the ketchup look like it came out of a baby's diaper.
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Q: "I'd be curious to know how he managed to align all of those tiles."

The parabolic dish takes care of that. Parallel light rays hitting a parabolic surface will deflect to a common spot known as the "focal point". Which is where they put the satellite antenna on the dish.

I've seen this done with aluminum foil. I would imagine the mirror tiles are more reflective making it more efficient.
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I noticed this on youtube.

The glass looks more like 1/8 inch. That is a needle, large but it is a needle.

On the video you see an average guy try it, and it bounces off the glass and sticks in his camera man's arm.

Now, I realize the average guy has no training at all, but if the glass is so thin and the "nail" so big, the result would have still been a broken glass. If it bounced, there must be more too it than exploiting the brittle nature of glass.

You can also see that what is stuck in his arm is pretty light and sharp like a needle, leaving just a pin prick in his arm, not a hole like a nail would have made.
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@ Will L
"Most people with enough practice and a decent enough throwing arm can"...

...pitch for the Yankees.

Sure, with many years of practice and dedication and a good throwing arm (talent) one can accomplish many things.

How odd you give such respect to Fight Science, when these munks spend a life time mastering their martial arts. I have no doubt the fighters you respect on these shows have a lot more respect for the Shaolin Munks.
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Wow, you guys are hard to impress. He didn't crack the glass, he through the needle right though it. That is amazingly hard to do.

I think some of you have been watching too many super hero special effects movies.
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I tend to agree with the article. I think technology is fine, but just like video games, to much is a problem.

Someone said they could communicate better onine. Sure, many of us do. However, there are times in life when we need to interact directly. If we can't sit down and have a meal with our children and have a conversation, that is a problem.

So, technlogy is great, but we have to still learn how to live in the real world. When your teenager is sitting down with their friends texting each other instead of talking, I think that it is time to shut the cell phones off.
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Imagine a cup nailed to toward the center of a propeller and another nailed at the tip. The angular velocity of the propeller has to be the same everywhere on it right? So, that means the outside cup has to be moving faster than the inside cup or they wouldn’t stay together. Just like racing someone on a track. Around the curves, the outside lane has to go faster to stay with the inside lane.

The angular velocity of the board in the experiment is going to be determined by it’s center of mass, which assuming the wood has the same mass throughout would be the geometrical center. So, the board is really falling from its center. Thus the heights are not equal. Unhinge the board and rotate it about its center to horizontal and you have a closer approximate of the heights.

Thus if the ball and board are traveling at the same speed, the board will win because it has less distance to travel. Galileo is still right.

The hinge causes a rotational velocity that also gives the cup a faster speed relative to the center of the board, which is closer to the velocity of the ball due to gravity. This is similar to the race track concept. Thus cup (and tip of the board) is moving faster than anyone.

I don’t think the tee changes much. The actual distance we are talking about is the top of the cup, not the board tip. So, the tee actually makes things more fair.

I would say this experiment falls in the realm of magician illusions. Their job is to trick our logic, not defy laws of physics.
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