The writers of the paper say their idea is backed up by a Pew Survey that concludes “people who make just a bit more than minimum wage are the most resistant to changing it.”
I would argue that this is because those people probably earned pay increases through experience and hard work, then suddenly see everyone else making the exact same thing for nothing.
This is true in any industry. When companies raise salaries for entry level employees, the existing employees that are closest to the entry level wage are upset because they feel the hard work and time they put into getting pay increases was for nothing.
In fact, what if the entry level salary (or minimum wage) was made higher than what those close to it make? You would of course have upset employees as before, but now you have proven the exact theory in question. Most people would rather NOT see their own salary increase if it meant those below them would get an increase too.
The issue is not about compassion, it is about losing what you worked hard for.
This is a interesting idea, but aren't laws written for "humans"? A similar issue can be found in the fight over gay marraige.
Some who are against gay marraige appeal to a slippery slope that next- people will be able to marry animals.
But, animals do not have protected rights under the Constituion. People are saying "I want the right to marry the person of my choice, just like everyone else." No one is saying "I want to marry the animal of my choice, just like everyone else", since no one else has such a right.
As for poligamy, no one has the right to marry multiple people. It doesn't matter if they are straight or gay or whatever, everyone is the same under the law.
@playtrombone64, As others have stated, there are already incandescents that meet the efficiency standards. We'll it looks like it was possible to improve incadescent bulbs, wasn't it?
As for your theory of how inefficient bulbs save energy by helping us heat our homes. Do you run around your house in the winter yelling at the kids to stop turning off all the lights in the house because it runs up your electric bill?
This bill does not outlaw incadescent bulbs. It was meant to get manufacturers to get off their behinds and improve them. Traditional bulbs waste 90% of the power they use. They were never going to do anything about unless they were forced. Just like seat belts, air bags and gas mileage on cars.
@DennisL, I agree completely. People use to invest in companies for the long haul. You wanted stable companies that always grew. Now, it is all about pumping up stock value not matter what happens, then dump and move on to the next.
Sure, investors want to make a return, but one day they will be sitting in a board room going "where are all those companies we use to invest in?" and the answer will be "You consumed them all, there aren't any more."
@Melliot, Did it ever occur to you that the reason you can’t get into grad school is that people like you have raised the bar. Now you are competing with kids that can’t write their way out of a paper bag, but they can hire people like you to write wonderful papers for them.
Just think about it. While people like you screw up the education system, you screw yourself by having to compete with the bad students who hire your kind. So, work hard and keep trying, and maybe with a little luck you won’t have to compete with kids that were dedicated enough to hire someone who was even better than you. Although, don’t let that get you down, you can always hire those guys too, then it will be “fair” again.
I always crack up when I hear artists say stuff like this. Not because I don't enjoy modern art, but because they really do seem to be using some kind of random generator to produce BS for their work.
I couldn't get it to work either. I will try again in the future, because I think I could really enjoy this link.
Such a great show. I grew up on Johnny Quest, and enjoy this alternet world based on it.
One of my favorite moments is when Dr. Venture is telling Morpheus the boys are clones, and the ones he knows are not even the first generation. Then you see a collage of the many ways the boys have died, such as playing William Tell with each other using bows and arrows.
People that watch this show, usually say they do it because the enjoy watching idiots behaving badly.
The Jersey Shore cast is playing up a bad caricature of Italian people. The worser their behavior, the better the ratings. While viewers laugh at them (not with them), they get to laugh all the way to the bank at the expense of those they sterotype.
Why would genuine Italians want to promote something that gives them a very negative image? By telling Jersey Shore to away, they are really saying "That is not us".
I would argue that this is because those people probably earned pay increases through experience and hard work, then suddenly see everyone else making the exact same thing for nothing.
This is true in any industry. When companies raise salaries for entry level employees, the existing employees that are closest to the entry level wage are upset because they feel the hard work and time they put into getting pay increases was for nothing.
In fact, what if the entry level salary (or minimum wage) was made higher than what those close to it make? You would of course have upset employees as before, but now you have proven the exact theory in question. Most people would rather NOT see their own salary increase if it meant those below them would get an increase too.
The issue is not about compassion, it is about losing what you worked hard for.
Some who are against gay marraige appeal to a slippery slope that next- people will be able to marry animals.
But, animals do not have protected rights under the Constituion. People are saying "I want the right to marry the person of my choice, just like everyone else." No one is saying "I want to marry the animal of my choice, just like everyone else", since no one else has such a right.
As for poligamy, no one has the right to marry multiple people. It doesn't matter if they are straight or gay or whatever, everyone is the same under the law.
As others have stated, there are already incandescents that meet the efficiency standards. We'll it looks like it was possible to improve incadescent bulbs, wasn't it?
As for your theory of how inefficient bulbs save energy by helping us heat our homes. Do you run around your house in the winter yelling at the kids to stop turning off all the lights in the house because it runs up your electric bill?
I agree completely. People use to invest in companies for the long haul. You wanted stable companies that always grew. Now, it is all about pumping up stock value not matter what happens, then dump and move on to the next.
Sure, investors want to make a return, but one day they will be sitting in a board room going "where are all those companies we use to invest in?" and the answer will be "You consumed them all, there aren't any more."
Did it ever occur to you that the reason you can’t get into grad school is that people like you have raised the bar. Now you are competing with kids that can’t write their way out of a paper bag, but they can hire people like you to write wonderful papers for them.
Just think about it. While people like you screw up the education system, you screw yourself by having to compete with the bad students who hire your kind. So, work hard and keep trying, and maybe with a little luck you won’t have to compete with kids that were dedicated enough to hire someone who was even better than you. Although, don’t let that get you down, you can always hire those guys too, then it will be “fair” again.
Let's see some girl named Amanda said she never saw Start Wars and started telling the trilogy...
I couldn't get it to work either. I will try again in the future, because I think I could really enjoy this link.
He accidentally shot his wife and killed her.
One of my favorite moments is when Dr. Venture is telling Morpheus the boys are clones, and the ones he knows are not even the first generation. Then you see a collage of the many ways the boys have died, such as playing William Tell with each other using bows and arrows.
The Jersey Shore cast is playing up a bad caricature of Italian people. The worser their behavior, the better the ratings. While viewers laugh at them (not with them), they get to laugh all the way to the bank at the expense of those they sterotype.
Why would genuine Italians want to promote something that gives them a very negative image? By telling Jersey Shore to away, they are really saying "That is not us".