Morris's Comments

I live by the rule, if they are doing a "hard sell" then their has to be a catch. Doing so many commercials is definitely a hard sell.

Better to simply go to a pawn shop and sell it. Why would these guys give you anything close to market value?
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I was in engineering school in the mid 80's. I was one of the lucky students who had their own PC. My system had 640K (not megs) of RAM and I got the "Big" hard drive with a whopping 20 megs (not gigs)of disk space.

Now I regularly create files larger than my entire harddive. Even my RAM is 100's of times larger than my hard drive was.

I guess in another 20 years we'll be laughing at how we got by on 8 gigs of RAM and only a terabyte of file space. :o)
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I think both are very important games. Candyland teaches kids how to play a board game. While there is not much decision making, they do get to enjoy the roll of the dice to see what happens. This helps them develope an interest in competition. Then they can move on to more difficult games.

I agree with others that Battleship does require strategy. If you limited the amount of moves to successfully hit all battleships, you would quickly see people develope strategies. Since you are playing someone else, the moves are limited to how many the other player needs. A good battleship player can win over and over. That isn't random chance.
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A "fusion" reactors are safe. They WILL NOT melt-down like the fission reactors we currently use. If something goes wrong in the system, the reaction stops immediately. So there is no chance of a melt-down or large nuclear explosion.

In addition there is no harmful radioactive bi-products or pollution produced from the process.

You guys should be excited!! This is a big deal, if they can ever get a fusion reactor to work. If they can get a net gain from the energy they put into the process, then the worlds energy needs would be solved overnight.
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I always loved the Stooges (except Joe and Curly Joe) like most folks. Those were like watching Andy Griffith in color. :o)

Anyway an interesting fact I saw in a TV biography, was that the old man, who they used in many of the shorts, was once asked to be a stooge too.

In the biograhpy, the actor said that after everyone else had died, Moe wanted to keep it going and asked him to be a Stooge. He was delighted, but Moe unfortunately died soon after, so he never got the chance.
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Steadicam Trivia:
A "steadicam" camera mount is much more than just a weighted camera for smooth shots in tight spaces.

It lets someone hold the camera. That is a big deal!

Prior to the Steadicam, holding a camera meant the footage would be shaky. Traditionally you needed a tripod or build an expensive dolly setup on location to keep shots smooth. With a Steadicam you can just hold the camera and run around on foot filming anything you wanted and the shots still looked fluid and smooth as though you had used a dolly track.

The movie "Rocky" is the first film to get the movie industry to notice the Steadicam. All those shots of Rocky jogging around Philly could not have been done on the production's limited budget without the Steadicam.

The Shinning had a big budget, but how could you shoot the little boy riding his Big Wheel around the Hotel without seeing the dolly tracks for the camera? But with a Steadicam, the shot was simple. All they had to do was walk behind the boy holding the camera.
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