@Silly people: “Reverse evolution” is not an acceptable phrase for describing this, pouring scorn on people who actually DO seem to know what they're on about doesn't add any weight to your assertion to the contrary. As already mentioned, evolution does NOT occur in individuals, it occurs between generations. Reverse metamorphosis might be an acceptable phrase. "Reverse evolution" as an analogous phrase is used to describe when in an abnormally short space of time a species abruptly resembles an older form (presumably by activating dormant genes). This is still evolution because it occurs across generations, and is reverse to the degree that the resemblance is to an older form.
"Technically there is no “reverse evolution”, but its a suitable semantic tool to describe a real phenomenon." What you say is correct, but its not a suitable semantic tool to describe THIS phenomenon.
"Technically there is no “reverse evolution”, but its a suitable semantic tool to describe a real phenomenon." What you say is correct, but its not a suitable semantic tool to describe THIS phenomenon.