I work security at a casino and they make sure to tell you all the little tricks.
The carpet and roof are usually eyesores so your eyes remain upward to enjoy the flashing lights and cocktail waitresses, therefore using all their OTHER psychological warfare tricks to get more money out of you.
Another one? The music on a machine that they want to pimp out the most (the ones that cost more, pay out less) is louder than the ones that don't rake in the same volume of cash.
Red also triggers some psychological response to spend, spend, spend.
The carpet and roof are usually eyesores so your eyes remain upward to enjoy the flashing lights and cocktail waitresses, therefore using all their OTHER psychological warfare tricks to get more money out of you.
Another one? The music on a machine that they want to pimp out the most (the ones that cost more, pay out less) is louder than the ones that don't rake in the same volume of cash.
Red also triggers some psychological response to spend, spend, spend.