NeonCat 3's Comments

@ did you know

While Charles Dodgson, aka Lewis Carroll, did, in fact, photograph nude prepubescent children there is no evidence to suggest that he ever sexually abused children. While I grant that to our modern, post-Freudian eyes he looks like a giant pedophile, the Victorians did not believe there was a sexual dimension to children and didn't find his hobby perverted. Indeed, IIRC parents were quite proud when Dodgson wanted to photograph their children.
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Gosh, I knew before I clicked on the comments that there would be n numbers of "hip-hop is the suck" comments.

I sincerely wish the human race would grow the hell up and realize that just because *you* don't enjoy something doesn't mean it has no merit at all for anyone.

Now go listen to your Foghat 8-tracks, gramps. I promise to stay off your lawn.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/13



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