blind guy stands at a bus stop with his service dog. dog sniffs guy's leg, lifts his & begins to pee on his owner's leg. guy reaches down & pats dog on head. woman standing nearby, watching, says " your dog just peed on your leg & you pet him? blind guy says "I'm trying to find his head so I can kick his a**.
my druid friends tell me that it's going to cause a bunch of tectonic shifting & whatnot & also a lot of old pent up Y2K stuff is going to come crashing down upon us.
i had a pet skunk (great pets, like ferrets & easy to tame) tomato juice et al NEVER worked for me. hydrogen peroxide neutralizes the scent completely. add a little dish soap if you want to get fancy.
hey mommy, will you think it's "neat" when he gets his head neatly blown off from someone he attempts to burgle? that's exactly what would happen if he attempted it from me. high intelligence isn't worth a gold-plated damn in a severed head. what a loser as a parent. please tell me someone has spayed that bitch.