Thank you so much! i've been trying to find "LOGO" for so long. I forgot what it was called, but I remember using it as a kid in 2nd grade during library.
at first i thought it was just the dung cap flipping over, but i really think it did notice the mouse. i think elephants will naturally take caution to small animals in feat that it will harm them (such as scorpion stings)
or, they may have a natural passion for not killing other animals that would never be able to harm them?
Yay...I have that shirt. It does not react differently to varying frequencies, but only to volume. It still definitely turns heads at the clubs on New Years Eve though = D
It uses four tripple A batteries that you put in a plastic case which can be placed in a fabric pocket inside the bottom of the shirt. On the plastic case there is an input gadge that can be adjusted how sensitively the shirt reacts.
or, they may have a natural passion for not killing other animals that would never be able to harm them?
It uses four tripple A batteries that you put in a plastic case which can be placed in a fabric pocket inside the bottom of the shirt. On the plastic case there is an input gadge that can be adjusted how sensitively the shirt reacts.