Tom Clix's Comments

Hmm. This is pretty classy and dare I say even attractive. Probably some allure in the idea of seeing beads of water dripping over a woman's chest but seductive is 'in' right? I think it's cool (no pun intended) and it looks good but I can't imagine it being very comfortable, nor practical.
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hmm... Ive seen one thing before that looks like this. I hope it doesn't do what I think it does but I would have to ask a jewish person befor i make any conclusions...
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dude... this guy is just messed up. He cannot seriously think that our world is hollow. "shadow zone" = ring on Earth where there are NO seismic readings because of the defration of the secondary waves and the elimination of the primary wave by THE MOLTEN ROCK MANTEL.

Even if this is true, how does this guy plan to get through that crazy-deep ocen? that tunnel would supposedly be the deepest part of the ocean in the world and the highest class military subs can't even get that close.

This guy's theory defys GARAVITY! GRAVITY people! If gravity is centered in the crust of the planet then how is that floating molten metal hanging out in the inner sky there? not to mention he's contradicting his own statments of the accretion theory.

Geez, colleges are giving out degrees like fucking pokemon cards.
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It looks like a variation on those multi-use cooking devices that you can put what-have-you in the end there like sandwiches or dough and hold over a fire to cook it.
(very good for omlettes if you've been camping for a while)
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