Rita Jean's Comments

Wait.... I am REALLY confused.

There is the old Strawberry Shortcake from the 80's (as depicted above)

A newer version that is ADORABLE!!! See here: http://www.agkidzone.com/strawberryshortcake.action

But even the newer version looks NOTHING like the above “makeover” which looks like a 10 year old “Little Mermaid” in a pink outfit!

To those that say that the new one is great and have even seen all the new shows, do you mean the new one in the link above, or the makeover one to the right? They are VERY different!!! Please compare and make sure that you are discussing the correct image...

And can anyone tell me if the current one in the link IS the most current and all this banter is over nothing? Is the above image to the right really scheduled to be released?

Before I discovered that there could be more than one “new” version, I wrote the following in regards to the image that is on the right at the top of this page and NO disrespect to the image in the above link as she is an adorable “makeover” (although some of the other characters are a bit... overdone).

* * * * * * * * *

O.K.... I hope that what I bring to this conversation will clear up a few things on both sides of the fence... To those that are calling her a “slut” and also to those who say that there is “nothing” wrong...

It is NOT that she looks like a “slut”... it's the need to make her “pretty” in a mini teenager sort of way. Cute isn't good enough anymore.... cute is babyish even for 5 year olds these days... and that is what's sad.

To those that are upset about the revamp and are nostalgic about the original, deep down inside what is really bothering you is that her image is being dumbed down to that of being just a pretty picture of strawberry loveliness as opposed to being fun and adventuresome... but then again, that's just the VISUAL image. One poster indicated that the new character is still sweet, just less whiny... that's a good thing right? I vote yes!

And although the original is a bit hokey and needed an update, your frustration is understandable as being “pretty” with hints of sexy (it's the hair people!) is what is driving sales. She is suppose to be a kid and her hair is gorgeous! I mean... come on!

Many on here have said, “What's wrong with letting her look like a girl for god sakes!” Well, it's not about not wanting little girls to ever be “girl-ie” what it's about is our “modern” society (via marketing, via society?) not wanting little girls to a kids. Is is o.k. for girls to run and play and get their hair messy? Not the new and “improved” Strawberry Shortcake!... Or so it seems....

Although, just VISUALLY speaking, compare the two: Which one is cute, and which one is... pretty? Which one looks ready for adventure and which one is.... waiting for a boy? It's subtle....but definitely there (look how she sits!) and the kids DO know the difference and that is why the old doll doesn't appeal to “today's” girls... as they are learning more and more every day that looking pretty is better... above EVERYTHING ELSE.

Trading the sweets for fruit? O.K....

But a cell phone? Really? If this is indeed true (as “Kab” said that it is not) she might as well be “boy-crazy” and a “shop-a-holic” as well! And this is the same reason that people are miffed over the whole Dora thing too.....And have you seen what they have done to Holly Hobbie? She is unrecognizable! Go here: http://www.agkidzone.com/hollyhobbie.action

And to those that say that all they are doing is keeping up with the times... that should be of a concern to you too... have you even stopped to think about what kind of times we are in? Someone on here said,

“…..are you guys FaReal? What are we a Muslim country now? Can dolls not wear short sleeved shirts? I see your problem with short skirts, thats understandable, but this ‘new’ shortcake looks pretty modernized”

But no one is saying that all women should be “modest” ... but we aren't talking about women are we... we are talking about little girls... innocent children. Since when has being “modernized” equate to a standard of beauty? It has become increasingly trendy to push little girls to grow up fast... innocence does not sell anymore...Why is that? Are we afraid that we will have to actually look after them? Are we trying to make them grow up fast so that we won't have to worry? But be careful... Most grown-up women know all to well that beauty is a false sense of power... So why are we grooming our little girls into the same trap?

Being “Pretty, sassy, and COOL” is being pushed harder and harder on our girls at younger and younger ages... and many moms give in because they are too afraid to say no out of fear that their daughters won't “like” them.... or they encourage it because it's important to start the brainwashing as early as possible so that they will grow up into desirable M.I.L.F.'s...

There is nothing wrong with admiring beauty and having a Barbie or two...but there should be a variety of images for young girls (especially the younger ones) and I'm not saying that girl dolls have to look ugly... but there must be creative ways to promote a positive image without having to rely on beauty. Personally, I think that the revamp that they did 10 years ago was great.

Although “Kab” has a good point: “The show (on CBS) and the movies have good messages (i.e. don’t assume a person is a certain way by the way she looks) and Strawberry Shortcake is not the whiny piece of fluff she was originally. Yes, I have seen some of the original Strawberry Shortcake shows and couldn’t STAND the whining voice and she cried over every little thing. The updated Strawberry is an exceptional role model for young girls.”

I have to admit, I have not seen the shows and therefore in that regard, I am guilty. So I'm VERY glad to know that the shows have improved and that the character is strong.... I just wish that the image matched.

Please be aware of what kind of VISUAL messages are being pushed on our youth, particularly our girls.

If you found any or what I am trying to convey as slightly enlightening PLEASE go here:


Thank you.

P.S. The posters that suggested that she get boobs were most likely being sarcastic as in to say, “They already turned he into a tart (their opinion, not mine) so why not go all the way.....” and that's called....sarcasm.

BTW....I'm 37..... Oooooo..........
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