Bekkison's Comments

This guy is confusing George Romero's reason from making the Dead movies with why we like them. Yes, Dawn of the Dead is a statement about rampant consumerism. Land of the dead is about a police state in the wake of a perceived terrorist threat. This doesn't equate to why they are popular. I think the Zombie genre lost popularity because the sequels to the first 2 dead movies sucked so bad that they were replaced by Jason Vorhees, Michael Myers, and Freddy Kruegar. When that well dried up, darker horror themes came back and Zombies were part of that resurgence. Geeks like me enjoy Zombie movies for simple reasons like, really cool gore effects, gritty non-hollywood storytelling, and the idea that only we are prepared for this upcoming threat because we stockpiled on tactical bacon, katana swords, and red bull so that when all the jocks are dead we can finally get the courage to ask out Sally Perkins from english class. It's really that simple.
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Yes, Machiavellian mom, you have successfully made your children weaker. The whole point of that quote is that working together makes groups stronger. Are your children a threat to you? Keep them pitted against each other so they don't jeopardize your ruling authority? This is just silly.
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Comics are an equal opportunity forum for the over-idealization of both the male and female forms. In male dominated sports, woman are portrayed as cheerleaders or objects to be had if you wear the right clothes or drink the right beer. In comics, female heroes are independent, strong, and usually have high grade careers when they aren't saving the world. Which scenario is more offensive?
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@Romke, no one is making claims about taste. That is a purely subjective matter. I'm sure any food grown and purchased locally, whether non-organic or organic will taste better. Buy whatever your preference is. Just wash the organic stuff more thoroughly since organic food is more likely to have e coli. Organic fertilizer is poop....literally :)
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You actually need to use organic pesticides in greater amounts to achieve the same effectiveness. Also, certain GM crops are designed to be undesirable to local pests, yield more crops per acre, and can be sustained with less water. I recommend reading up on Norman Borlaug, the man who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and credited with saving the lives of over 1 billion people worldwide with GM foods. Cross pollination is a roll of the dice. You can get a good result mixed with some bad as well. We now have the ability to target specific genes to express the traits we want, but maintaining the integrity of the much more efficient.
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DUDE!! Put down the freakin' camera and celebrate with your wife! Is posting it on youtube so important that you need to stand there and giggle while your wife experiences the most profound thing that's ever happened to her? Comfort her. Love her.
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Too bad something so cool is wasted on the misnomer that we evolved from chimpanzees. Chimps and Humans share a common ape-like ancestor. Just like Snookie from Jersey Shore and Albert Einstein share a common ancestor. Noone would ever make the argument that Snookie could evolve into someone as sophisticated as Einstein.
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