JakeD There's a huge differeance between a human and a cat - so lets not compare a human life to that of cat.
Lydia Health is relative - can it see/eat/hear/taste/walk/meow/etc just like another cat?
It could have been left alone and have nature take its course - maybe this cat was an being selected out when he got hit by a car?
There are a thousand different cats about similar to this one (before the accident) - many cats could have been rescued from a shelter with the time/effort/money this cat has taken.
There's a huge differeance between a human and a cat - so lets not compare a human life to that of cat.
Health is relative - can it see/eat/hear/taste/walk/meow/etc just like another cat?
It could have been left alone and have nature take its course - maybe this cat was an being selected out when he got hit by a car?
There are a thousand different cats about similar to this one (before the accident) - many cats could have been rescued from a shelter with the time/effort/money this cat has taken.