Mayor of 1's Comments

(Read this in a stoned mental voice) Tesla wasn't celibate it all, just, like a it was a conspiracy, yeah thats right. Tha MAN put like something in his food so he couldn't take over the world with his progeny, progeny, progeny - what a funny wordz. I said wordz, did you hear me, wordz. Hey pass that......
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I use to play scrabble every day. I learned all the two letter words and studied strategy. Started beating everyone at the coffee shop I hung around at, I was the man. I thought to myself it was time to go to the pros, join a club, these rookies were no challenge. Called myself up to the bigs. I like to refer to that night as "The day my manhood shrunk." If you ever successfully become deluded and happy in a small pond, stay there. Never, ever take your big fish show on the road. The memory of that night made me shiver, that is all.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/13



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