gda002's Comments
Oberon SS
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That kid got the experience of a lifetime and its made him a celebrity and his parents or insurance will probably foot most of the bill. Looks like its all good for him.
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Actually Tim, my uncle is a former scientologist. He calls it a cult as does the singer Beck, a former scientologist.
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It doesn't say anywhere that he was drinking and driving,that is just a conclusion some of you are jumping to. I have books in my car, but that doesn't mean I'm reading them while driving.
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Tishkbob is right. She was perfectly within reason to sell the car, its hers, but she didn't to do it in such a public manner, the subject of the booze in the car becomes more comical than tragic that way. Also, I don't want to launch into a tirade about the drinking age, but there are some people who drink responsibly at 14 and others who can never drink responsibly, even at 80. Someone said a good parent shouldn't have a 19 year old drinking. Well, I've been drinking since 18 and been honest with my parents about it and its made for a much better relationship than sneaking around.
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I really don't get why so many of you think this is "good" parenting.Shouldn't the whole point be that the kid learns a lesson? I really doubt he is going to take anything away from this besides the fact that his mom is snoopy, over reaching and clearly attention starved because she pulled a stunt like this.And to all the people crying because they paid for their cars in high school, well wake up, times have changed. High school kids and now even college students time is so consumed by activities like sports, choir, band, quiz bowl that they seriously don't have time to have a job because school is their job. All the old people here need to get back to their widdlin instead of saying "Back in my day..."
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There's no proof he was drinking and driving, just being dumb and keeping the stuff in his car(By the way, I live in Sioux City and know that Briar Cliff is a dry campus and it is illegal to have booze on it). Embarrassing the kid like this isn't going to make him learn a lesson about not drinking. He won't give up booze, but he'll keep resenting his crazy crazy mother.
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That would have been betters sans the douchey music.
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I believe he did get fired from Wal-Mart, probably for some dumb reason, but his whole revenge story reeks of B.S. He probably just thought of this idea in his head as some absurd fantasy and decided to post it online as reality. I really, really, really, doubt this is true.
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I think this guy made the story up. Don't you think this would be on national news?
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The Bat-shit crazy comment on Ron Paul irks me. He's the only candidate that makes any sense, but he is shut out by the media.
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Something smells fishy...
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The difference is that many of the homeless have severe mental problems and drugs and alcohol exacerbate that problem. For instance, a drunk homeless man recently exposed himself to my girlfriend and she is still pretty shook up about it. Homeless are a real problem in this country, so yes, sometimes they need guidance.