mrclam's Comments
I thought the bulldog was supposed to be Amy Winehouse!
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That Lil' Nuclear Reactor does seem a bit much. That said, I can truthfully say that I spent many summer days playing lawn darts, melting and casting lead, and performing dubious experiments with my chemistry set. I even performed a memorable series of experiments using electricity to bring frogs back to life. I never succeeded, but I'm still here to tell the tale.
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I usually hate lame Star Wars posts, finding them as dull as the movies, but I am totally down with this one. Thanks for sharing Chewbacco with the world. He rocks!
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Number 17 looks just like you!
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Yeah, the mastiff held its own. If it weren't for "Mom", the big guy would've had a Mexican lunch that day.
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My vote: Pol Pot. He killed 20% of his own people. 20%!!!
Irony note: Amused to see Tom Paine invoking Pharoh. For many years, it was HE who was villified, due to his intelligent writings on religion. Historically, Europeans often used Atilla and the Huns as examples of evil.
Irony note: Amused to see Tom Paine invoking Pharoh. For many years, it was HE who was villified, due to his intelligent writings on religion. Historically, Europeans often used Atilla and the Huns as examples of evil.
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Is it just this photo, or do they all look like they have, a you know...
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We are ranked 40th in education because we made teachers' unions illegal, but It's a Great Day in South Carolina. And those awful states with their awful unions? Well, they hold down the top 10. New Jersey, with their really, really, awful union is ranked #3. America could use a little more 'awfulness'.
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Lame. These would be a lot funnier if the guy actually read the books. Or is that the joke? Either way, it's a fail.
What "swear curse swear" is he talking about? "goddamn" and "crumby"? Holden goes so far as to ERASE the only "bad" word in the entire book!
Also: In Of Mice and Men, George did not shoot Lennie's dog. Nobody shot Lennie's dog. Book a Minute could of at least read the CliffNotes.
What "swear curse swear" is he talking about? "goddamn" and "crumby"? Holden goes so far as to ERASE the only "bad" word in the entire book!
Also: In Of Mice and Men, George did not shoot Lennie's dog. Nobody shot Lennie's dog. Book a Minute could of at least read the CliffNotes.
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Led Zeppelin 4 isn't really called that. It has no name. It took me about 1.5 mins, because, like a fool, I tried typing "The Song Remains the Same" 900 times.
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I don't like the title because that isn't a creek. I suggest "Bridal Wave".
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This movie should be good. According to producer Bruce Timm, they didn't cut out anything, and in fact added a little to get it up to run time. The Red Hood Batman movie is also supposed to be worth watching.
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I've seen so many better banana fans...what makes this one so special? Heck, my mom has one in her garage that's better than this! I expect more from you, Neatorama.
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I worked for an Ebay offshoot then . If I remember correctly, right before I started, we took Paypal. Most people called in with credit card numbers during my time.
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We'd rather you didn't come at all.