niko bellic's Profile


All fiction no function.

It's a 4 seater car and it has 1 bike? No storage rack on that one bike. And a whopping 12 miles range (that's 6 miles out and back).

Who could possibly think this will be handy any where except on the stage of an auto show?

But it's green (or blue for VW because they're so hip they can change global concepts at will) so it must be great right?
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vonskippy: when you comute to a dense urban area you are likely to be alone in the car, the bike is to get from parking to your office. (not uncommen n dutch cities).
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If offered as an option, I would buy one. But then again, I live where there is urban congestion, no services within walking distance, level ground and really great weather.

Unless it cost like a Segway, then I would laugh at it.
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They have this gasburner and so they want to portay themselves as green- with a commuter-setup for one person per car that is made for 4 and an electrical bike with lots of polluting parts and plastics.

...What about just legpower (one or two folding bicycles or just a smaller more fuel-economic car for greenness...?
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Where I live, if you want to drive that thing without having to get a motorcycle license, it will need working pedals. You might never use the pedals, but you have to be able to use the pedals to qualify as a bicycle rather than a powered m-class vehicle.
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Profile for niko bellic

  • Member Since 2012/08/13



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