Rosi's Comments

I know this is lacking in "national pride" but I prefer dollars to pounds. They seem more like money somehow. Probably because in all media the international currency is shown as being green and the sign for money as $. When I was in America last we did a tour of Washington D.C, Boston and New York and one of our tour guides was telling us about how the money is made. Apparently a small percent of every dollar is made of linen, which is why it's less paper like and not as stiff as most other countries.
Also, as far as I can tell, American dollars are the only currency which have a smell ^_^
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I mentioned this to my family and told me I was just being childish. But it's TRUE!
Also I thought that they'd left out the place where I live, but I remembered that it used to be an island about a thousand years ago. You can see it in the south east corner of the picture ^_^
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Aaah fanfiction. It's the new "angsty song lyrics written in the back of my school notebook".
And this kid is a bit weird. He's eight years old and he's writing about shooting headcrabs and getting their blood in the dirt. Hmm. Never mind the fact that the universally recognized age for the "fan-fiction period" begins at 13, pretty much about the same time that every child realises that their parents hate them and the universe sucks.
(note: I am being SARCASTIC)
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This video makes me wish that I knew what dopamine and seratonin was... I barely can remember what a synapse is.
And is it wrong that I want to adopt one of those mice?
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I'm Rosi, I'm 16 from England, studying R.S. (religious studies), Maths, English and Music in secondary (high) school. I post on articles quite often, when I have something good to say, and I've been coming on neatorama for about a year. It's a really cool site, about 50% of my useless information stems from here (and I am a useless information connoisseur!).
Keep up the good work!
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Sure you see loads of Christian anti-gay groups based around this one passage from the Bible. But you don't see many anti-haircut groups (Leviticus 19:27), pro-slavery (Leviticus 25:44) or anti-shellfish groups (Leviticus 11:10) (by the way these are from the same chapter which features the "men who lie with men are abominations" verse) I say, lets FOLLOW WHAT THE BIBLE TELLS US and take every single thing it says as truth! Wait though... doesn't it contradict itself sometimes? Could it *possibly* be that some of the Bible just doesn't make sense?
Also, Pol x, I think you'll find that the Bible never mentions killing all homosexuals. That's just something fun the fundamentalists have thought up. It does, however, say that all people who work on the Sabbath should be put to death (Exodus 35:2). So all those life-saving doctors, firefighters, policemen who work on Sundays? You're allowed to kill them.
On a sidenote, quoting from the Bible is fun!
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That's just really creepy and weird. And quite worrying, considering the main characters are children. I understand the greed thing, but its still really strange.
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I don't think the Golden Gun should be on there. Bond's Walther PPK is much cooler, more practical (the golden gun only shoots one bullet and you have to assemble it from cufflinks, a pen and a lighter first) and less tacky. Whoever makes something out of gold that really doesn't need to be clearly has some bling issues going on.
Also, the daggers from V for Vendetta are one of the coolest movie weapons ever (and I DID like the film, and I HAVE read the book. Problem?). As well, even though it doesn't PROPERLY count as a weapon, the sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who, because... well it's a SONIC SCREWDRIVER ^_^
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Ah this is great! My history teacher wrote a book about the origins of Sherlock Holmes (about the teacher)! He made us all read it... a bit annoying but it was pretty good. Better than some of his other ones anyway.
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I think pit bulls are restricted in England. There are certain types of dogs which you're not allowed to breed, buy or sell, and you must keep them on a lead (leash) in public at all times and muzzle them... and I'm pretty sure pit bull terriers are on that list. They're thinking of adding Rottweilers to the list two since there have been several incidents recently where very young children have been mauled to death by them. A bit of an overreaction if you ask me: the dogs in question were bred to be guard dogs and attack any strangers. One of them was tied up in the garden constantly because it couldn't be trusted near humans. Now what kind of parent lets their child near a dog like that?
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No offense to whoever's house this is, but this sort of stuff happens all the time. Did it really need to be on here? I thought neatorama was for interesting articles not something like this.
I know at least one person who lives in a converted church, and part of my school has recently been converted from a church too. And this doesn't look like a very ambitious conversion either: America doesn't have listed properties so it doesn't matter about the age or anything, and the structure seems pretty sound.
Come on, there are enough boring property programmes on TV without having them on the internet too!
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This link actually scared me a bit.
I can't believe that there are so many really stupid people out there.
I don't have a problem with Christianity (well... the Christians who don't follow the Old Testament, which is insane) but some of its followers worry me...
Funny, and a bit scary.
And before everyone starts yelling at me for bashing the Old Testament, have you ever sat down and read it? I have (and no I'm not a Christian although I was raised as one, but that's by the by) and some of the stuff in it is just ridiculous. "Do not eat shellfish for it is unclean" "Do not come into contact with a woman who is menstruating" "Do not wear cloth of two different fabrics" etc. Also in the Old Testment God kills over two billion people and Satan kills ten. Right. Sure glad you've got such a nice guy looking after you there.
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Ode to Joy is pretty simple to play, because it moves in whole tones most of the time. Another one you can play on most things is A la Clair de Lune (the nursery rhyme, not the Debussey piece) or Oh When the Saints.
Also, you can kind of play Starman from Mario, but to be honest it doesn't sound that good (its pretty much TWO CHORDS).
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Oh come on, it's obviously just a lighthearted thing. Lighten up. It's FUN.
It's quite interesting how everyone knows these songs and sings them to children and doesn't really notice what they're about. I remember one nursery rhyme I used to sing called "Cockles and Mussels" or something similar about a girl called Molly Malone who died of a fever, and then haunted the streets of Dublin selling cockles and mussels. I got really upset by that (also because my sister is called Molly and I thought that SHE would die) and also I was kind of afraid of the ghost...
But if you want weird children's rhymes try the feature on global schoolyard rhymes from the Sneeze. Really funny! ^_^
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