It'd be funny to see an atheist movie about the life of Jesus come out, and it would be 90 minutes of Jews and Romans just walking around. It wouldn't do very well, but it'd be quite amusing to read about in the papers.
Brazil too is nearly energy independent, thanks to sugar cane being converted into cellulosic ethanol (alcohol made from cellulose). Sugar cane is second only to hemp in terms of cellulose production. Hemp however, is illegal despite not being able to be smoked as a drug. In fact, you can't even grow high-THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) marijuana amongst field hemp, because the plants cross-pollinate, and high-grade marijuana is ruined once it is pollinated. It is in fact illegal to even research marijuana. The result is that we have a plant recognized in 1938 as the world's first billion dollar cash crop (a billion dollars back then is equivalent to over a trillion today), a plant that built and fueled a biodegradable plastic car back in 1941, and a plant designed to run the diesel engine; a naturally-growing, soil-replenishing possible solution to America's energy independence as illegal. Lovely.
It was then that the Bodhisattva Beethoven Chihuahua decided to simultaneously bite and pee on the Bollywood Paris Hilton who assigned him his cruel fate.
No kidding.
(courtesy of Sufjan Stevens)
Hemp however, is illegal despite not being able to be smoked as a drug. In fact, you can't even grow high-THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) marijuana amongst field hemp, because the plants cross-pollinate, and high-grade marijuana is ruined once it is pollinated. It is in fact illegal to even research marijuana.
The result is that we have a plant recognized in 1938 as the world's first billion dollar cash crop (a billion dollars back then is equivalent to over a trillion today), a plant that built and fueled a biodegradable plastic car back in 1941, and a plant designed to run the diesel engine; a naturally-growing, soil-replenishing possible solution to America's energy independence as illegal.
assigned him his cruel fate.