gl3nk 1's Comments

Regardless of the establishment, you don't set down a loaded gun without first engaging the safety-- even if it's only for a few seconds. That's common sense. Also, you don't set a gun down where it's easily accessible to ANYONE other than yourself(or other employees).

It's took two jackasses to make this video possible. The jackass who carelessly abandoned the gun, and the jackass who pulled the trigger.

Was someone hurt? There appears to be a wall behind the camera. This is not a customer service desk; however, the shot could have passed through the wall and injured someone in the adjacent room. No way to tell.
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I have to BUY a t-shirt? Shouldn't you have to pay ME to be a walking billboard for you??? Geesh. I can hardly aford to fill my car with gas, and now I gotta pay for some freakin' neatorama gear.
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And other deciper this as a message that Jews were responsible for 911; A more substanial theory. Israeli spying on America is nothing new... and false flag attacks by Israel are very common: the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty. etc... Israel is no friend of America... or the world. They knew what was going down on 911, and did nothing to stop it... and they used it for their advantage, send Americans to fight and die for the wars THEY started.

Wake up sheeple.
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