I'm in Denver two or three times a week, and drive past a hospital every time, but have never heard these! Or, maybe I have and assumed it was just a stereo...
Denver drivers suck ass, though, so I'm not surprised they needed to do something different.
In what fucked up universe is it alright for a religious leader to have a 30,000 dollar watch, when he could be using that money to, I don't know... help the community? And wear a 10 dollar Swatchwatch. Come on now.
I really like Safeway's bagels. They're "freshly baked," though since they're the same nationwide, I'm pretty sure it's the same dough. Delicious, though.
Something about the sound of it is really unsettling and weird and unearthly, like the sound of an alien hovercraft shooting lasers in a 1940's science fiction movie.
Good. From the sound of it, he was abusing the system. 24 complaints in 8 months?! You'd think he would have found a different company after, oh, eight complaints within as many months...
Denver drivers suck ass, though, so I'm not surprised they needed to do something different.
+1 bad reference joke.