Should any region/person be allowed to succeed from a country just because they want to? Look at that idea played out in former Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia used to be a strong country that made awesome cars (jokes), but then the international community decided to allow it to break into a million different pieces.
Speaking from an American standpoint, the USA would not have become as strong as it did if had just allowed the Southern Confederate States succeed. Should the Pacific NW be allowed to succeed? How about the ethnic minority of Caucasians in the USA, should they all be allowed to succeed from the United States because they do not feel their interests are represented?
This is not an issue of right / wrong or self determination. It is simply an issue power. Russia wants more of it. The Georgians rightly realize they can't give up the region w/o loosing some of their own. The west realizes that they need this region to maintain their own power and an oil supply line.
My problem is with the United States. There was a time when we wouldn't have dreamed of letting Russia take a hold of this region. Now we are busy fighting an imaginary 'war on terrorism', while we ignore and even support our real enemies; China and Russia.
It seems like my country has lost its balls. It has no problem invading a country like Iraq, but we ignore China and Russia, mainly because they can fight back.
Should any region/person be allowed to succeed from a country just because they want to? Look at that idea played out in former Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia used to be a strong country that made awesome cars (jokes), but then the international community decided to allow it to break into a million different pieces.
Speaking from an American standpoint, the USA would not have become as strong as it did if had just allowed the Southern Confederate States succeed. Should the Pacific NW be allowed to succeed? How about the ethnic minority of Caucasians in the USA, should they all be allowed to succeed from the United States because they do not feel their interests are represented?
This is not an issue of right / wrong or self determination. It is simply an issue power. Russia wants more of it. The Georgians rightly realize they can't give up the region w/o loosing some of their own. The west realizes that they need this region to maintain their own power and an oil supply line.
My problem is with the United States. There was a time when we wouldn't have dreamed of letting Russia take a hold of this region. Now we are busy fighting an imaginary 'war on terrorism', while we ignore and even support our real enemies; China and Russia.
It seems like my country has lost its balls. It has no problem invading a country like Iraq, but we ignore China and Russia, mainly because they can fight back.
That is Life.