This is amazing. Is America so hell bent on finding the faults of the show that they would reveal this as a story? Next thing you know they are going to say that the people who were running around the globe were really computer graphics... and the world will come to an end?! It seems like America is jealous of the show the Chinese put on because its much better than the one we put on. Just keep in mind its ENTERTAINMENT and the entertainment in america is significantly worse in the regard of screening for 'prettiness'.
call me an idealist.. but we are a 'free speech' country, which means.. every news channel, even the ones touting communist ideals, nazi ideals, KKK ideals, or even Anti-American ideals should be allowed to broadcast whatever they want. I won't watch it, and I refuse to make anyone who doesn't want to watch. With that being said, I don't believe the American people (as a generalization) to be smart enough to make a logical decision about which news channel to watch. This is why shock jocks are popular and people get their news from the Colbert Report and The Daily Show. Not trying to discredit the shows, just merely suggesting they aren't news, but entertainment. I guess what I am trying to say is: whether or not AJ is a quality news source is not the question, The question is should we allow a different angle on the happenings of this world. And for me, the answer is yes, and will always be yes.
I have been going to this site for about a year now, and I love everything. I sometimes think some of the posts aren't 'neatorama' worthy... but thats subjective. I would think that filtering out anything that is NOT considerably 'neat,' would ultimately leave something out that is (nature of the beast).
I always learn new stuff when I come here, I love the tokyoflash games, and the guess what it is games. They always lean towards something cool.
Quite Frankly, I enjoy the current composition immensely to come back every day. I know thats not what your looking for, but I felt I needed to put in my 2 cents.
P.S. I don't want the tickets. I just wanted a logical place to say 'well done' and ... well.... 'thanks' for providing this site.
If It does what I think it does... which is use triangulation to discern 3d coordinates and organize it using a 3d graph display... then the 3rd lens is indeed not necessary... but allows the data to be that much more exact than when using just 2 lens. The 3rd lens is used for validation.
i kind of feel sorry for the first one she was probably a very nice woman. What I notice on some of the choices is that the idea of beauty for all the women is very different. What they valued as beautiful showed often in the choices they made.
I guess in those terms the only people who are not minorities are straight white males decrepit with age. :-D . Here's to growing old and being a majority.
They are just using these events to anger people enough to do something rash in which case they sue. In this case, no matter how much I hate what they are saying, I believe in free speech - to the end. If someone wants to call me a , that is their right as long as I have the same right to say something back. There are other ways of dealing with this sort of thing than getting angry.
I always learn new stuff when I come here, I love the tokyoflash games, and the guess what it is games. They always lean towards something cool.
Quite Frankly, I enjoy the current composition immensely to come back every day. I know thats not what your looking for, but I felt I needed to put in my 2 cents.
P.S. I don't want the tickets. I just wanted a logical place to say 'well done' and ... well.... 'thanks' for providing this site.