I forgot to add that in any Aaron Sorkin drama, the characters are never talking to each other. It's always Aaron Sorkin talking to you through proxies. His characters always have too much data top-of-mind.
Aaron Sorkin's tennis match dialogue is boring. You know why this scene rings fake? because the other two panelists let him speak without interruption. I can watch cable news and see that that never happens.
The second is that his "America was once great" diatribe is the viewpoint of a white male. In fact, the whole panel in this scene is white. Why? Because it has to be for his speech to be accepted without laughter.
The past was better than the present blah blah blah. There have always been good things, always been bad things.
People who don't return the cart to the corral are the scum of the earth. You pushed it all around the store, then after you unload the groceries, what? You say to yourself, I got nothing left? The corral is aaaaall the way over there?
Dante would have made a special circle for you an the litterers.
Stephen blurs the line between people making mistakes and writers being artful with language.
In my opinion, you have to know the rules for your bending (or breaking) of them to be worthwhile. Just like Matisse had to paint a bowl of fruit before The Dance.
The second is that his "America was once great" diatribe is the viewpoint of a white male. In fact, the whole panel in this scene is white. Why? Because it has to be for his speech to be accepted without laughter.
The past was better than the present blah blah blah. There have always been good things, always been bad things.
Dante would have made a special circle for you an the litterers.
In my opinion, you have to know the rules for your bending (or breaking) of them to be worthwhile. Just like Matisse had to paint a bowl of fruit before The Dance.