Well, i am from Norway, lets just get that clear so i may not be totally objective. That is, i am equally non-objective as you guys from the US are subjective.
If you mean by great, you're talking about big country and alot of people i agree. If you are talking about freedom of speach, freedom in general, equality and "the american dream" i actually think Norway is ahead at this point of time.
TimC seems to be talking about the world of yeasterdays, not the world today. Yes, we do have a king and are proud of this system. He is a good figurehead for our country but does of course not have any real power. Regarding christianity in the constitution and law system i could not bother with checking it up, but what i know is that christianity has less importance in Norway and Scandinavia when thinking about politics than any or most countries in the world. The USA of today cannot match that, at least in practice. You are talking about constitution and law, but there is a difference between action and practice...
I'm from Norway and i rock! (With universal health care, free schools with university included and arguably the country in the world where which family or family situation you come from matters the least for which situation. If you are born poor, it is easier to become f.ex an engineer in Norway than in US)
If you mean by great, you're talking about big country and alot of people i agree. If you are talking about freedom of speach, freedom in general, equality and "the american dream" i actually think Norway is ahead at this point of time.
TimC seems to be talking about the world of yeasterdays, not the world today. Yes, we do have a king and are proud of this system. He is a good figurehead for our country but does of course not have any real power. Regarding christianity in the constitution and law system i could not bother with checking it up, but what i know is that christianity has less importance in Norway and Scandinavia when thinking about politics than any or most countries in the world. The USA of today cannot match that, at least in practice. You are talking about constitution and law, but there is a difference between action and practice...
I'm from Norway and i rock! (With universal health care, free schools with university included and arguably the country in the world where which family or family situation you come from matters the least for which situation. If you are born poor, it is easier to become f.ex an engineer in Norway than in US)