I am an army veteran of Afghanistan, lived in Germany for my entire contract, and am from a very nice suburban town outside of Chicago. I wanted for nothing growing up, yet my entire life I have seen past the blind Nationalistic Ideals that American schools, churches, sports teams, media, etc convey and shove down our throats daily. I have friends lost in Afghanistan and would willing pay the ultimate price for this country. To say that we are the most free country is blindly the dumbest statement I have ever heard. I have more rights than civilians do. Yes, you have more freedom of speech, HOWEVER... I have more rights to illegal searches, incriminating searches, and basically anything to do with anything legal. Several things have killed our country, LOBBYING, NDAA (AND IF YOU DONT KNOW THAT DONT REPLY TO THIS), OBAMACARE (AS GOOD AS IT IS ITS UNCONSTITUTIONAL), AND A FREEDOM OF "CHOICE" BETWEEN TWO PARTIES. What america has never understood is that freedom of choice between coke vs pepsi and miller vs budweiser are NOT freedom of choices, but however just themselves being duped into thinking they actually have one. Education will free us from this slavery without chains, I suggest opening up with IDEALS instead of MORALS. IDEAS can change...
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