Tony LaRocca's Comments
S-r-ex - has a hysterical comic strip explaining WHY there are three Jabbas (Man, slug, & seal)
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The truth is, while doctors know many things - and I would always go to a doctor before a holistic healer - there are still many things that they're just grasping straws over. Every ten years or so, they come out with some new contradictory theory about what's good and what's bad, and what causes x y and z.
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Yes, graffiti is an art expression. Yes, some of it is quite beautiful. No, such artists don't have the right to deface someone else's property.
This post is hysterical, however. I love when the government tries to educate parents.
This post is hysterical, however. I love when the government tries to educate parents.
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Yes, but does the manga version have Jabba the Hutt as a human-seal hybrid the way the Marvel comics did?
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Alex - you don't have to apologize for your opinions or what you write, and neither does anyone else here. I did comment on it, but no, it doesn't offend me.
As with most things in politics, the war in Iraq isn't a black or white or even shades of gray issue - it's more like the colors of oil swirling in a pool of water. Yes, we never should have started the war in the first place. Yes, even though our government did it with military and economic benefits in mind, the military has tried it's best to protect and rebuild Iraq for it's people. Due to a ridiculous desire to make the world see us as liberators instead of conquerers, the occupation was botched from day one. The problem now is that the terrorists (by that term, I don't mean "the enemy" I mean forces that a) don't wear uniforms b) act with only fear as a goal rather than tactics, and c) deliberately target civilians) target the public utilities, and target civilians who help our soldiers. They're not targeting members of our military, they're targeting the Iraqis who join the police force. Why the world doesn't show 1/10th of the hatred it has for the US on these terrorists (as they're the ones who are murdering people and destroying the country,) I don't know.
So far, there have been many parallels between Iraq and the Vietnam war. If - as so many want us to - the US simply pulls out, then - like after the Vietnam War - everyone who tried to help rebuild their country, everyone who was proud enough to hold up stained fingers after voting in their democracy - will most likely be slaughtered. (Remember all of those who were killed for helping the US after Desert Storm?) So yes, we created the problem, but we are trying - at the cost of our lives and our economy - to solve the problem. I don't understand what other solution there can be.
As with most things in politics, the war in Iraq isn't a black or white or even shades of gray issue - it's more like the colors of oil swirling in a pool of water. Yes, we never should have started the war in the first place. Yes, even though our government did it with military and economic benefits in mind, the military has tried it's best to protect and rebuild Iraq for it's people. Due to a ridiculous desire to make the world see us as liberators instead of conquerers, the occupation was botched from day one. The problem now is that the terrorists (by that term, I don't mean "the enemy" I mean forces that a) don't wear uniforms b) act with only fear as a goal rather than tactics, and c) deliberately target civilians) target the public utilities, and target civilians who help our soldiers. They're not targeting members of our military, they're targeting the Iraqis who join the police force. Why the world doesn't show 1/10th of the hatred it has for the US on these terrorists (as they're the ones who are murdering people and destroying the country,) I don't know.
So far, there have been many parallels between Iraq and the Vietnam war. If - as so many want us to - the US simply pulls out, then - like after the Vietnam War - everyone who tried to help rebuild their country, everyone who was proud enough to hold up stained fingers after voting in their democracy - will most likely be slaughtered. (Remember all of those who were killed for helping the US after Desert Storm?) So yes, we created the problem, but we are trying - at the cost of our lives and our economy - to solve the problem. I don't understand what other solution there can be.
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David Ogden Stiers also provided voices for two myst games - Uru, and Myst V. But his greatest roll of all time was the dad in "Better Off Dead."
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I should have clarified. Some people are so wrapped up in their own point of view that they see everything everywhere as proof of an attack on their personal ideas. What's more, if anyone suggests that they shouldn't jump to conclusions, they automatically band them in with their imagined enemy.
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Alex, we all know you have an anti-US-military streak. Get over it. The US Military did a study, and found something interesting about psychology of people during wartime. They didn't mean it as an endorsement of the war.
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Someone should stick the mother in the lion cage at the zoo at feeding time - see how she likes being surrounded by animals.
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Trick I learned from a friend in the army - put the alarm clock on the other side of the room, so you have no choice but to get out of bed and turn it off. Now you're up - might as well stay there.
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Thank you "the man" for making me choke on my lunch with hysteria. Brilliant response!
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Sorry, but the kid is 17. He could have easily rectified his situation at any time. I understand he wanted to prove himself, but sooner or later, you have to put your life over pride.
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Heh heh... "one sided"
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(In my best sarcastic Kermit the Frog voice.)
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