Epicanis 2's Comments
I think the QRCode thing would get more use if software developers would quite insistently assuming that the only way anyone will ever want to use them is with a cellphone camera, immediately (i.e. not from a previously-taken picture or scanned image), and only for getting addresses of web pages (QRCode can store arbitrary text - it doesn't HAVE to be a URL).
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How the heck can somebody make cards like that and NOT have a QRCode-type barcode on them?...
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"The Big Room (and the Little Things in It)" is primarily focussed on non-medical microbiology (including brewing and environmental microbiology), food science, science history, travel ("The Big Room" being the one with the gigantic blue ceiling on the other side of one's Front Door), and occasional computer nerdity.
Most recently, I've been discussing my "Mountain Dew® Wine" project.
I also claim to be the internet's leading authority on Expired Jell-O(tm).
(Note - just moved to a new host, so let me know if you have trouble with the site...)
Most recently, I've been discussing my "Mountain Dew® Wine" project.
I also claim to be the internet's leading authority on Expired Jell-O(tm).
(Note - just moved to a new host, so let me know if you have trouble with the site...)
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I have scientifically verified that expired JellO® is at least probably safe...
(No, seriously...)
(No, seriously...)
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Yes and no. Yes, "Mickey Mouse" images from "Steamboat Willie" may be free of copyright restrictions, however, Mickey Mouse® is also a trademark. I've never really understood Disney et al's hyperventilation over ancient previously-copyright-encumbered works maturing into public domain ones given this fact: the fact that any of us may be able to make copies of "Steamboat Willie" or portions thereof does not rob Disney Corporation of control of "Mickey Mouse" in any way.
Personally, I just think they're reflexively greedy and power-hungry...and perhaps hoping to hold on until everything in the world goes "pay-per-view".