Bill 86's Comments

@ aaronleev, But you are a living proof to the fact that most Americans, if not all, are dumbest. No doubt about that.
"Hey Richard im not here to judge you its not my place but i consider myself a free thinker as well. and Satan didnt just question God...."

How dumb can a person get? everything you have written contradicts, including the claims. "Satan tried to kill god"....:)... where do you get these ideas from? I bet some lame TV stuff, eh! You are a class clown man! And with a great potential to make others laugh!! You should try joining or perhaps starting your own circus. Be sure to buy some clown gear, you will need them (In case you don't get what I said)..And by the way, I am not the same "bill" you have addressed. Not the American Bill at least... :)... who cares... Aaron the Levite doesn't
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