hey who ses u hav 2 beleve in christian bible wot if u beleve in a different religeon? dats were it gts confusing cos den its unfair. if bibles r tru, den wot religin is tru cos deres tons of gods dat all claim they are the creators and blahdeblah on with dat stuff. wot 1 is tru. dats somfink 2 discus. othrwise we may all go 2 hell wen we die cos we beleved in da 'wrong religin' wen deres so many gods 2 beleve in. deres egyptian religin, da christian religin, buddasim etc. 1nce were ded, we cnt tell mankind wot religin 2 beleve in. so how com we hav 2 put up wif it l8r on. or do we. cnt we just beleve in luv, medetation, respect, ya no, da key aspects of each god but not beleve da god itself nd not beleve in da devil. if we all stop belevin in da devil den maybe da devil wont exist ny mor. or we could 4get da devil derefor creating a paradox in wich da devil is born back 2 da univrse nd we all die lik squishd ants. hlp som1, PLZ!
cnt tell mankind wot religin 2 beleve in. so how com we hav 2 put up wif it l8r on. or do we. cnt we just beleve in luv, medetation, respect, ya no, da key aspects of each god but not beleve da god itself nd not beleve in da devil. if we all stop belevin in da devil den maybe da devil wont exist ny mor. or we could 4get da devil derefor creating a paradox in wich da devil is born back 2 da univrse nd we all die lik squishd ants. hlp som1, PLZ!