The area that's twice the size of Texas is the actual Gyre where all the flotsam ends up. The trash doesn't clump together like floating island of debris. The article really makes it sound like it though.
I think it makes an excellent point in favor of stripping all religious reference from government and law, and if you have a judge that can't put religious views aside for rationale thought they should be tossed off the bench.
@just a guy: I just wish she would have gotten the surgical help, hat is seemed she needed, sooner.
Gastric Bypass isn't surgical help. It's surgically induced disability that forces you to take subsist on a starvation diet and supplements so you don't suffer malnutrition. If you even try to eat a modest balanced diet, the quantities of food are too large and make you sick.
It's an expensive and dangerous procedure that takes the place of putting the fork down. The only reason it works is because you have no choice but to eat 500 calories a day, or spend all your time vomiting up your meal.
The only sympathy I feel for this woman is that she was MURDERED by her family. A bed ridden woman can't cook. Someone was preparing her meals, they could have controlled her intake.
Stan Jones, a former US senatorial and Montana gubernatorial candidate is blue as well.
While the medical industry has stated time and time again, it's from the colloidal silver, that turns these people blue, and will do so for anyone who ingests it for a prolonged period of time, CS proponents swear vehemently that it's not the silver that causes the argyria. It's pure quackery and nothing more. Sad thing is that since it's irreversible they're literally branded for life.
And when the governments and activists finally get their way, and we're all living in a solar/wind driven world where we can only turn on the lights if we unplug the refrigerator, and the temperature keeps rising, what then? Are they gonna send rockets into space to block the sun?
Did you know you can trace all this global warming rubbish to within days of the fall of the Berlin Wall?
Compared to the cubicles I've worked in, that's actually not too bad. Sure there's not much room to move, but with that wall of metal, there's privacy at least.
If second hand smoke is soooooo bad, then why haven't more bartenders and truck stop waitresses succumbed to lung cancer? The data suggesting that SHS is so deadly is due to the government attributing any death in a household of a smoker to second hand smoke, regardless of all other factors.
If you're dumb enough to regularly inhale toxic fumes, you deserve the crud in your lungs.
@ illimey:If the Arkansas senate has a pension plan, then Jim Bob is collecting public funds. They may not be on welfare but that doesn't mean that the state isn't paying for their munchkins.
See, now this just frustrates me. In a world where there are people screaming about the damage people do to the environment, overcrowding, immigration, and the like, people like this who've completely disregarded the concept of minimal population growth, just irritate me. Nice to know that the people of Arkansas are paying for these twit to continue to reproduce.
Jim Bob and Michelle, hey if you want to have more kids, here's just a thought, QUIT SCREWING AND GO ADOPT!!!! The world doesn't need anymore of your gene pool and the kids in the adoption system really need good homes. Damn Jimbo, give the lady's vagina a rest! :D
If you look closely the "bust" line of the "angel" conforms perfectly to the edge of the wall behind it. It's obviously a reflection off of someone elses digital camera's lcd screen. There's a massive light source directly above the crowd. Cop must know some crap pro-photogs and not know the difference between the words "revealed" and "noticed".
I just wish she would have gotten the surgical help, hat is seemed she needed, sooner.
Gastric Bypass isn't surgical help. It's surgically induced disability that forces you to take subsist on a starvation diet and supplements so you don't suffer malnutrition. If you even try to eat a modest balanced diet, the quantities of food are too large and make you sick.
It's an expensive and dangerous procedure that takes the place of putting the fork down. The only reason it works is because you have no choice but to eat 500 calories a day, or spend all your time vomiting up your meal.
The only sympathy I feel for this woman is that she was MURDERED by her family. A bed ridden woman can't cook. Someone was preparing her meals, they could have controlled her intake.
I took this photo of one at Walt Disney World's EPCOT Center last year.
Stan Jones, a former US senatorial and Montana gubernatorial candidate is blue as well.
While the medical industry has stated time and time again, it's from the colloidal silver, that turns these people blue, and will do so for anyone who ingests it for a prolonged period of time, CS proponents swear vehemently that it's not the silver that causes the argyria. It's pure quackery and nothing more. Sad thing is that since it's irreversible they're literally branded for life.
Why the outrage at this speaker, when bettas have been living in small containers for decades?
Did you know you can trace all this global warming rubbish to within days of the fall of the Berlin Wall?
If you're dumb enough to regularly inhale toxic fumes, you deserve the crud in your lungs.
Jim Bob and Michelle, hey if you want to have more kids, here's just a thought, QUIT SCREWING AND GO ADOPT!!!! The world doesn't need anymore of your gene pool and the kids in the adoption system really need good homes. Damn Jimbo, give the lady's vagina a rest! :D